With Plastic Free July less than a week away, people all around the world are preparing to kick disposable plastics to the curb. If you're new to zero waste, you might like to start with something simple like refusing plastic straws, cups, bags and coffee cups...or, if this isn't your first Plastic Free July, maybe you'll be avoiding single-use plastic packaging...or going the whole hog with no plastic whatsoever!
Whatever your goals are for next month, know that every piece of plastic you avoid is an achievement and from small actions, massive change happens. Register your Plastic Free July pledges here!
Zero Waste Workshop
To help you on your way, I have a "Zero Waste Kitchen" workshop scheduled for the first week of July with the lovely crew at EcoMatters in West Auckland.
The kitchen is the heart of the home...where we cook up delicious meals to sustain our friends and whānau. But, it’s also where most of our household waste originates from. So, in this workshop, I'll be showing you how to de-waste your kitchen and sharing my tips and tricks for zero waste grocery shopping, cooking and food storage. You’ll also learn how to make your own ginger beer and vegan parmesan 😋.
Tickets are being snapped up fast, so, if you're keen, secure your place here.
Plastic Free July Giveaway!
Also, in preparation for Plastic Free July, have we got the den mother of giveaways for you! This week, we are giving away an EarthSavvy Survival Kit, worth $117, to one lucky zero waster with a whole heap of awesome waste-busting gear.
So, that's...
- 8 reusable produce bags
- 8 reusable bulk food bags
- 2 cotton cleaning cloths
- a travel (folding) cutlery set
- ...and an EarthSavvy merit badge!
These zero waste goodies will arrive on the winner's doorstep, all bundled up in a stainless steel lunch box, ready for duty for Plastic Free July (and beyond!).
To be in to win, you need to have your entry in by midnight Tuesday 26th June 2018 (NZ time).
Enter here! ...and Be Prepared for a Life Less Wasted 🌏💚✊